Avant Garden
We are a small Burning Man camp focused on creating community and connection both on and off Playa. We maintain a camp size of around 25 members, mostly based in the San Francisco/Bay Area.
This year, we are bringing a two-part gift: Veg Out and The Brothel. Veg Out is our daytime gift, where we will be serving cool, fresh vegetables to overheated Burners. And at night, our Brothel will serve hot, steamy broth to people who want a cozy place to hang out and warm up.
If you’re a new member interested in joining our camp, check out our New Gardener Guide. Not everything will be relevant to you until you decide to join, but it’ll answer a lot of your initial questions. After reviewing the guide, feel free to reach out by email: hi@avantgarden.camp
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Contact Us
For inquiries, please email us at: hi@avantgarden.camp